I love this birth story from a first time mum, it's amazing to hear how the tools she learnt from hypnobirthing helped throughout her labour and even when things went a bit "not to plan" at the end! So proud! Carys x
"We went for a good walk on Sunday last week and a pub lunch then at about 6:30pm I had a bath and was expressing some colostrum and I noticed some back ache. Richard was like no no it’s nothing you have at least a week to go!!
Over the course of the evening it got more intense and we go to bed but I know it’s happening so I take a bath and relax and realise that in the morning I had (thought!!!) I peed myself a bit and was like ah ha- the waters….
So I called the midwife and explained and they said wait it out and keep on with what your doing. Richard was sleeping and I watched friends reunion on the sofa with a few trips to be sick and and then trying to sleep also, I kept the bath full and was getting in and out and playing all the MP3's.
We then called back at 6am and they said to come in and they checked me over and I was 5cm !
The midwife room was a available which was heaven, huge bed and bath so out came the aromatherapy oils and the playlist and the snacks and I hopped into the pool.
All on gas and air and the breathing techniques.
At some point they noticed a little pocket of water in front of this head so they popped that and we kept on going, then at 3pm he was coming but his heart rate was just dipping a little lower and lower and as it had been over 24 hours since the waters I was moved to the consultancy room for an examination and then they just needed to give me a small cut for the final push as his hand was also on his head and at 3:30pm he was out!
All done with the gas and air ✨✨
Fast forward 20 minutes and I had a large blood loss and my placenta didn't pass as it’s stuck and the bleeding worsens. They took me to theatre for a removal for which I needed the spinal. So all that work for the birth and I get a spinal for the placenta!
Anyway, Richard spent the first couple of hours with Roman. Skin to skin and feeding him the colostrum that I had expressed. I then I got back to them and it was my turn for cuddles.
But really it was just the best experience, yes the end wasn’t expected and it was scary to be taken away so quickly after the birth but he was with us and Richard was fully prepared thanks to your course and now we have the perfect little baby boy. x"